On the 10-12th of October, in Matera, the 2019 EAAE SEMINAR 174 – 2019 Economics of Culture And Food In Evolving Agri-Food Systems And Rural Areas took place.
Almost 200 participants got together to discuss how the changes in society’s beliefs and customs affect the way consumers purchase and consume food and non-food agricultural products and relative marketing issues. The main thread of the conference was culture which is a driver of a range of topics currently investigated by the agricultural and food economics profession. The keynote speaker was Rodolfo M. Nayga, University of Arkansas, who gave a talk on “Culture Dependent Preferences”.
Professor Rodolfo Nayga
My group of research presented a recent work on wholegrain pasta carried out at Cornell University last spring. My co-authors were Davide Menozzi, Martina Cirelli, Nicoletta Pellegrini, and Cristina Mora from the University of Parma, Michele Lefebvre, Jie Li, and Miguel Gómez from Cornell University. The study investigates the college students eating intention toward whole grain pasta and the role of health claims.
I also had the opportunity to present a poster about my MarieCurie project “CONSUMEHealth” Using consumer science to improve healthy eating habits.